
  • A student who has passed SSC (Std. X) examination conducted by the Maharashtra State Board of secondary Education or an examination recognised as equivalent by the Maharashtra state Board of Higher Secondary Education is eligible for admission to Std. XI in  Jr. College.
  • A student who has passed an examination other than that conducted by the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary Education will be required to produce an Eligibility certificate issued by the Divisional Secondary, Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Vashi, Mumbai. 
  • Students taking admission under minority / In-house quota should submit the original LC & Mark list within 3 days after receiving it from their schools, failing which their admission will stand cancelled by default.

For Admission, Please visit the College Office between 12.30 pm to 4.30 pm

Admission Process

Welcome to VPMs Junior College, a Kannada Linguistic Minority Educational institution, run by Vidya Prasarak Mandal in Mulund (East).
An Institution believing in ‘sky is the limit’, with a strong and constant backing of our Management, unstinted efforts of teachers, and, co-operation and trust of our parents.
Clear focus on our goal helps us to escalate the ladder of success, resulting in our students scoring 100/100 in Mathematics, 100/100 in IT, 98 in BK, 96 in OCM, 97 in Hindi. Thus go the scores, along with a bagful of achievements and laurels in curricular and co-curricular events and competitions at inter collegiate events thereby assuring all round development  of our students.

Please make the initial payment of Rs. 400/- (Rupees four hundred only) to the account details given below and fill the admission form and upload the documents.


Account Name: Vidya Prasarak Mandal
Account Number: 919010073484325
IFSC: UTIB0001622
Branch: Mulund East, Mumbai 400081

  • Fill the College Admission Form
  • Submission of the form with the following documents
    a] Print out of the submitted form.
    b] Copy of online form PartA – PartB.
    c] Original Marksheet and School Leaving Certificate.
    d] Two Xerox copy of Marksheet and L.C.
    e] Aadhar Card Xerox Copy.
    f] Copy of Payment receipt of Rs400 with transaction ID Number.
    g] Copy of Ration Card [only for girl students]
  • Students from other than Maharashtra Board need to submit original migration certificate and fill the eligibility form in the office.
  • Student who will be taking admission under minority quota need to submit proof of minority along with the form.

Admission Rules

  • Students seeking admission under minority quota will have to come in person with the duly filled application besides applying online as suggested by the Education Department. 
  • The application in the prescribed form must be filled in completely and signed by the student and countersigned by his/her parent/guardian. 
  • No admission is valid unless and until it is granted by the authority of the Principal and full fees received by the college.
  • All admissions are valid for one academic year only. A student who has qualified himself / herself for admission to Std. XII will have to fill a fresh application in the prescribed form and pay the required fees with in the period notified. 
  • A student seeking admission to FYJC should submit the original School Leaving Certificate along with SSC Mark sheet. The original copy of L. C. will not be returned to the student. 
  • Students who have passed in the July Examination will be considered only if there is a vacancy. 
  • Filling of form does not guarantee admission.

Fee Structure

As per HSC Board SYJC students should pay fees during the first week of May (or Second week of June with prior Permission).
Examination fees must be paid on dates prescribed by the HSC Board.

Criteria For Refund Of Fees & Deposits

  • If a student informs the institution in writing before the commencement of the academic year that he/she wants to withdraw his/her admission and that he/she cannot continue his/her education in the same institution for certain genuine reasons, the institution may refund the tuition fee, term fee, laboratory fee (if any) and library and laboratory deposits (if any) actually received from the students. The Admission fees shall, however, be retained by the institution. 
  • If a student desires to withdraw his/her admission after the commencement of the academic year, the institution will retain the admission fee, term fee in full and also proportionate amount of the tuition fees till the end of the month in which the refund is claimed. The remaining amount of tuition fee, if any, may be refunded along with library and laboratory deposits.


  • The amount of library deposits, if any, will be refunded when a student leaves the Junior College or cancels the admission after deducting damages recoverable, if any. Deposits not claimed within one year will be forfeited. 
  • The amount of deposits will be refunded to the students after 15 days from the date of receipt of their application.
  • Students who have not surrendered their identity cards, must surrender the same against the refund of deposits, otherwise he/she stands to forfeit the deposits.

Details Of Courses Taught

Subjects offered for the FYJC (XI) /SYJC(XII) (SCIENCE )Course

English 80+20
Physics70 + 30
Chemistry70 + 30
Biology 70 + 30
Mathematics 80+20
Environmental EducationGrade
Health & Physical EducationGrade
Information Technology80+20
Note: IT Subject is given on Merit Basis.

Subject Offered for the FYJC(XI) /SYJC(XII) (COMMERCE )Course

English 80+20
Bookkeeping And Accountancy80+20
Organisation of Commerce And Management80+20
Environmental EducationGrade
Health & Physical EducationGrade
Group 1
Information Technology80+20
Group 2
Mathematics & Statistics80+20
Secretarial Practice80+20
Note: IT subject is given on Merit Basis
Note: Mathematics Subject for Commerce is given on the Merit of Maths subject Marks obtained in SSC Examination

Second Year (Std XII)
Students Will Be Required To Opt For The Same Subjects Which They Have Offered In FYJC

Disclipline & Code of Conduct

Self discipline is the best discipline. All the students must observe the rules and regulations in force at present or that may hereafter be made for the smooth working of the institution. Students shall not do anything inside or outside college that will interfere with its orderly administration or affect its public image. No outside influence should be brought to the institution directly or indirectly.

Code of Conduct

  • The prescribed (uniform) is compulsory on all working days. Students should come clean and tidy. Boys’ hair should be well trimmed and combed.
  • Students should always wear their valid Identity Card when they are in the college premises. Further it should be produced whenever demanded by any staff member.
  • Students are expected to maintain proper discipline in the class a well as in the premises and ensure that no disturbance is caused to fellow students of other classes.
  • Students must not liter in the corridors while the classes are in session.
  • If any damage is caused to the property of the institution such a furniture, doors, window, switch boxes, speakers etc., strong disciplinary action will be taken including reimbursement of the expense incurred in rectifying the damage.
  • In case of any problem, personal or academic, students should report o the lecturer in charge of their respective class who will help to solve their problems.
  • Students should not bring any outsider to the college premises. Violation of the rule wil be viewed very seriously.
    Smoking, Chewing tobacco and chewing gum are strictly prohibited in the College premises.
  • If, for any reason, the continuance of the student in the Jr.College is, in the opinion of the Principal, found to be detrimental to the best interest of the institution, the student will be asked to leave the college.
  • No student shall collect money as contribution for any cause without prior permission of the Principal.
  • Students found guilty or ragging will be expelled from the institution.
  • Using Cell Phone or any other electronic gadgets is prohibited in the college premises
  • Matters not covered by the existing rules will rest at the discretion of the Principal.

Attendance & Tests

  • The College insists on regular attendance by students at the lectures/ tutorials/ orals practicals etc. The mininum attendance that must be maintained is 75% of the total number of working days on which lectures are delivered.
  • Students will be required to appear at two unit tests and two semester examinations. Parents are requested to sign the Unit Tests and Semester Report Cards and return the same within three days.
  • Attendance for all the Tests and examinations is compulsory. Students and Parents are requested to given equal importance to all the examinations and unit tests including class assignments and projects apart from daily attendance.
  • According to the rules laid down by the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and higher secondary Education, promotion to SYJC Class will be determined on the basis of all the marks obtained at the (a)Unit Tests I & II (25+25) (b)Semester-1 (50) and (c)Semester-2(100).The final result of the student’s performance will be decided on the basis of the average marks obtained at these test examination, the formula being (a)+(b)+(c)per subject i.e., 200
  • Special classes and study camps are compulsory for all students. Everyone should attend the same without fail.
  • The college authorities reserve the right to add, modify or delete any of the rules without prior intimation.
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